Quickshot Joysticks
I was lucky to have a happy childhood and I used to love kicking a ball around or riding my bike. But some of my best memories revolve around playing the type of computer games that I might now think of as a waste of time if my kids played them!
If there was one toy that represented my childhood I think it would be one of these Quickshot joysticks.
My twin brother and I had a Commodore 128 back in the late 1980s, followed by an Atari ST. We probably worked our way through 20 of these joysticks (I recall many being broken whilst vigorously waggling left and right in order to win a scrum in Rugby World Cup)
A list of my favourite C64/Atari ST games:
- Kick Off 2 (The game of my childhood)
- Sensible Soccer
- Lemmings
- Speedball II
- Rugby World Cup
- Turrican II
- Pit Stop II
- Emlyn Hughes International Soccer
- Shoot 'Em Up Construction Kit
- SuperCars II